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מאמרים ומחקרים

Medical Journal Articles on Magnetic Resonance Therapy (MRT) also known as (PEMF) Pulsed Electro-Magnetic Field


Beneficial Effects of Electromagnetic Fields (Journal of Cellular Biochemistry 1993)


EMF effects on cells of the immune system the role of calcium signaling


Low frequency pulsed electromagnetic field — A viable alternative therapy for arthritis


Lymphocytes and low frequency EMF


Magnetic Resonance Therapy (MRT) Pulsed Electro-Magnetic Field (PEMF) Medical Research Library



Medical Journal Articles on Advanced Integrative Cancer Therapies.

Medical Journal Articles on Photo Dynamic Therapy in Cancer


Efficient preparation of highly pure chlorin e6  (Oncol Rep Vol22 No5 Pg1085)


Photodynamic therapy (article)


Sono PhotoDynamic Therapy (Journal Article)


Various Research on PDT efficacy


ALA and ALA-derivatives for diagnosisand therapy in Cancer


Magnetic Resonance Therapy (MRT) also known as Pulsed Electro-Magnetic Fields (PEMF) for Cancer Treatment Research Library


Metabolic Modulation of Glioblastoma with Dichloroacetate (DCA)


High Dose Vitamin C Infusions


High-Dose Vitamin C (PDQ®) - National Cancer Institute


רפואת אור ביו-פוטונית


חומר ממאמר רפואי על הטיפול הביו-פוטוני בעברית

Platlet Rich Plasma Therapy (PRP) Medical Journal Articles


Platelet-rich plasma injection Aug2010

Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) Journal Article

Platelet Quantification and Growth Factor Analysis from Platelet-Rich Plasma

Eplasty11e38 (PRP) Journal Article

קוואנטום מדיקל סנטר  רחוב הברזל 24 כניסה C קומה 2 רמת החייל ת"א | טל: 03-688-7791| פלא: 050-243-4912 | פקס: 03-729-0001


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